Company Update : Covid-19
Insteco Limited
Open for Business: At Insteco, we understand that health and safety takes priority during this difficult time. We have introduced measures that comply with govermnent requirements to ensure maximum safety for our employees, customers and local community.
We are continuing our efforts to provide our usual service and expertise through alternative means. If you have any queries, please e-mail your usual point of contact at Insteco or alternatively you can send us a message via the contact section of our website and a member of our team will help you with your query.
You may continue to phone our offices on:
Slane: +353 (0) 41 9884288 or Cork: +353 (0) 21 4883798
As we all adapt to this new environment, we wish to thank you for your
co-operation and we will continue to provide the best possible service we can.
COVID-19 Update

P&F to Release New Range of Safety Inductive Sensors
Ecom Release New Wave of Technology

Ecom/Pepperl +Fuchs are due to release a number of new devices in 2019. All devices will be available through Insteco Ltd.
These creative and innovative upgrades brings a new perspective to the world of Intrinsically Safe Mobile Communication.
The new products include:
Smart-Ex 02
The Smart-Ex® 02 DZ1 is the successor of the world's first intrinsically safe smartphone for Zone 1/21 and DIV 1 areas. In addition, it meets all important global hazardous location and regulatory certifications.
Ex-Handy 10
For users who need a more advanced mobile phone, the Ex-Handy 10 Feature Phone is designed to meet this need. The Ex-Handy 10 enables the use of a touch screen as well as a regular numeric keypad.
Tab-Ex 02
With the DZ1 version of the Tab-Ex® 02 series, the Pepperl+Fuchs brand ecom introduces a range of applications that is unique on the market. The Samsung-based devices are available in different versions: a rugged industrial model for non-hazardous areas, a Zone 2/22 / Division 2 model, and now a Zone 1/21 / Division 1 model for hazardous areas. No matter where you work, Tab-Ex® has you covered.
Smart-Ex Watch 01
ecom's Smart-Ex® Watch, based on the Samsung Galaxy Watch, is the first smart watch for Zone 2 and Division 2. The watch can be synced with ecom devices like the Smart-Ex® 02 smartphone. It offers a new form of hands-free communication and enables greater protection for employees.
The IOT & Industry 4.0 Expo 2019

All at Insteco would like that to take the opportuity to thank the event organisers of the IOT & Industry 4.0 Expo 2019 for a highly successful day in the City West Hotel, Dublin.
The event was packed with two floors of businesses from a number of different backgrounds showcasing a wide variety of automation, robotics and technology based products.
On the day Insteco focused on showcasing three different product ranges which received fantastic feedback from attendees and other exhibitors on the day.
Apex Supply Chain Technologies are Insteco's latest parter offering a wide range of Automated Asset Management Locker Systems, Automated Replenishment Solutions for small parts and Industrialised Vending Machines for MRO's, disosable and reusable items.
Also on show was a variety of Intrinsically Safe, Atex Mobile Communication Devices from Ecom/ Pepperl+Fuchs. P&F have been a partner to Insteco for many years and the IOT Expo was a perfect opportunity to display the technological advancement Pepperl + Fuchs have made over the years particularly since they acquied Ecom Instruments back in 2016.
The IOT & Industry 4.0 Expo 2019

Insteco Limited will be attending the IOT and Industry 4.0 Expo being held in the Citywest Exhibition Centre on January 17th 2019.
This gathering of over 1000 senior management from sectors such as energy & infrastructure, manufacturing, retail, automotive, healthcare, smart buildings, transport will offer a unique opportunity to meet with suppliers and keep up-to-date with the latest industry innovations, best practice and new technology solutions in IOT and Industry 4.0
Over 30 speakers and 50 exhibitors will inform and educate the delegates who have network and listen to key note talks.
We will be located at stand A613 accomponied by Karen Jarrett,
Ecom/P&F Team Lead for Britain and Ireland and Nat Garfield,
Key Account Sales Manager for Apex Supply Chain Technologies.
We will have a demo Automated Locker System set up for
attendees to demonstrate on the day along with multiple Ecom
Atex devices such as the Zone 1/21 Smart-Ex 01 and Tab-Ex 01
and the Zone 2/22 Pad-Ex 01 DZ2 and Tab-Ex 01 DZ2.
We would hugely appreciate it if you could stop by on the day
and speak to our representatives.

For more information on the event or to receive a quote today for any products, please contact our Cork office on 021 4883798 or alternatively send us a message in the 'contact' section of our website.

New Product Range
We are pleased to announce that Insteco are now providers of Apex Supply Chain Technology automated locker systems in Ireland.
Apex and Insteco are defining the future of how organisations manage their supply chains by providing tailored, scalable hardware and software solutions that allow our customers to streamline the flow of products, materials, supplies, equipment and critical parts, and to provide secure, automated delivery whenever and wherever they are desired.
The customer requires a solution to control Handheld Devices, in order to reduce loss and damage, through a controlled and auditable storage system. The solution should also make the management of devices easier saving the time of supervisors.
Apex Axcess Smart Lockers will be used to store devices securely. The Apex Trajectory Cloud will control access, allowing automated issuing and receiving of Handheld Devices for each individual user using their existing ID cards or PIN access to authenticate, whilst also tracking and reporting device damage and loss. This will hold each individual accountable for the equipment they use and will also help reduce any problems with the issuing and returning of devices, reducing employee downtime and improving productivity.
Real Time Data Capture
• See who uses what, where, when and for how long
• Know who returns on time and who doesn’t, changing and improving behaviour
• Immediate asset loss reduction through increased visibility
Productivity Gains Through Asset Availability Improvement
• Reduce employee downtime
• Reduce queues during issuing of Handheld Devices
• Reduce time taken to reach centralised stores
• Reduce time-spend for supervisors and management
Manage Mission Critical Assets to Maximise Life and Performance
• Track and control asset maintenance, servicing and calibration
• Asset lifecycle management
• Optional in-locker charging available

See for further insight in to the entire product range
More Information
For more information please contact us on:
Cork Office: +353(0) 21 4883798
Slane office: +353(0) 41 9884288

ATEX Seminar
Two ONE day Explosion Protection training seminars – 9am-5pm
- 13th February 2018 - Dublin
- 14th February 2018 - Cork
Seminar Itinerary
1. Physical Basics
-Ignition characteristics of combustible substances
(ignition temperature, explosion limits, flash point
-Potential sources of ignition
2. Legal Basics
-Differentiation between placing on the market
(94/9/EC) and putting into service (1999/92/EC)
-Manufacturer’s responsibility (marking,
certification, documentation)
-User’s responsibility (zone classification, explosion
protection document, examination)
3. Types of Protection – Gas
-Functional principles (Ex e, Ex d, Ex i)
-Extended (technical) marking
-typical installation errors
-New: equipment protection level EPL
4. Intrinsic Safety
-Present state of standardisation
-Functional principle
-verification of intrinsic safety (50%-rule)
-Comparison between ic and nL
-installation requirements (e.g. cables, terminals,
earthing, shielding etc.)
Should you and/or a colleague wish to attend, please request a booking form and send it back to us at your earliest convenience. Places will be issued on a first come/first served basis.
Tel: +353 021 4883798

LinkedIn Launch 2018
We are delighted to announce the recent launch of our LinkedIn page. Insteco Limited LinkedIn now offers a further insight into the products and services offered here at Insteco. The development of our LinkedIn profile now introduces another chanel of comunication between the buyer and seller. Daily updates on recent events and activities will boost productivity both for Insteco Limited as an organisation, all partners involved and the customers we deal with.
LinkedIn in 2018 will prove to be extremely beneficial to businesses as new age digitisation takes over.
There are many benefits to a well run LinkedIn in which we are very excited about includining:
1) Creating sharable content among potential customers and partners
2) Introducing new products and services in their development stage
3) Improve search enine optimisation and search engine ranking
For any information on the recent launch or if your business wishes to be featured on both pages, you can private message us on LinkedIn or send an e-mail to where we will respond to your needs as soon as possible.